State of the City Address of the Hon. Alfredo Abelardo Bantug Benitez - Mayor, Bacolod City

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Ang inyo mga palamangkutanon agud masabat nya ini sa iya 100 days speech.
if you wish to send a question that you want me to answer during my first 100 days speech.
Complaints Received
Complaints Received
Complaints Received
Number of Complaints as of: September 22, 2022
News and EVENTS
Vision 2022
I Dream of a Bacolod where projects are felt by ALL BACOLODNONS.
When TUMANDOK was nowhere to be found, BACOLOD has embraced 'PANGAYAW' as their own.

Bacolodnons have been longing for CHANGE; an inclusive administration not just for allies and friends but a government felt by all.
is a 1st class highly urbanized city in the region of Western Visayas, Philippines. It is the capital of the province of Negros Occidental, where it is geographically situated but governed administratively independent.
(2020 census)
(2020 census)
(smaller units composing a barangay/village)
(smaller units composing a barangay/village)